Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Today's Teen Conference, Check out the web me!

Teen Today Conference 2007

Being held in the new year, featuring Craig Douglas and The Meeting House worhip band, a conference for youth leaders and youth in Jr. and Sr. High! Check out the website for more details. You will find downloadable PDF files of event brochure and posters to put up around your church, school, city, or to hand out to friends as 'invites'. Make it a Youth Group outing!

Also check out:
MANAFEST ~ Hip-Hop singer & songwriter on BEC Records. Also can be found on My Space, or Your Music Zone, and Pure Volume.

Sonz of God ~ Clothing and apparel.

Church Without Limits - Hip hop culture church in Pickering and Toronto, see site for directions and times.

Sermon Spice ~ Looking for a short video to come along side your sermon? Sermonspice is here to offer you creative and inspiring choices to fit this need. Browse, search, and instantly download any video.

Merry Christmas All!

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