Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Building Enthusiasm

I found this as I was ambling around the outspace of the innerspaces of the web, to be specific, and thought it quite curious! If you have any thoughs on the matter, let me know! :)

Training Lesson:Building Enthusiasm
By Tom Hopkins

You must have enthusiasm for your product or service and for being a sales person if you are to succeed in this business. I know, better than most, how tough it can be to keep your enthusiasm on those days when you face rejections, have cancellations, lose sales, and have to handle numerous challenges for the people you serve. After much observation, I’ve come to the conclusion that to be an enthusiastic person, you have to have the following five ingredients in your life:

The first thing is curiosity. Do you dream about driving the car or owning the home of your dreams? This is curiosity about a certain lifestyle, and that curiosity builds enthusiasm. I often golf at country clubs that are very elite. My wife and I are usually paired up with a couple we’ve never met. Being curious, I enjoy getting to know the couples, and often find that they are incredibly wealthy in material things. However, the material wealth they have accumulated has not made them happy. In fact, I find they are often cynical and negative towards their fellow men. They have lost their curiosity and in doing so, have lost their enthusiasm for living.

The next ingredient is interest. You have to keep a high interest level. People that have lost their enthusiasm have also lost their interest. You will often hear them saying, “We just don’t have an interest in that . . . . "

The third thing you need to have is knowledge. Enthusiasm and competence is never long-lasting without knowledge. Never quit learning.
Belief is the fourth ingredient. You must believe that what you are doing is right. Believe in yourself and your product or service. Believe in the changes you can make in other people’s lives--for the better.

The fifth thing you need to have within yourself to generate enthusiasm is purpose. Your purpose must transcend making money. You may think being rich causes enthusiasm, but enthusiasm is even more important when you are down and out with little or no financial reserves. Having enthusiasm helps you to stay motivated and focused for your climb to the top, and in reaching the goals you have set for yourself.

. . . Reprinted with permission of Tom Hopkins. Visit for additional information.