Monday, April 03, 2006

Erin Mills student. By looking at the picture you'd think he was a quiet did we all...until he played the part of a shoe fortune teller on Skit night. Boy was he ever forward. LOL Posted by Picasa

Erin Mills students Posted by Picasa

Erin Mills Secondary School Staff who brought the grade 7/8 class up to Camp. You guys rock! Posted by Picasa

Sunlight and shadows on the trees. I love it! Posted by Picasa

Narnia shot #2. Posted by Picasa

This is my own private Narnia on earth. HOW AWESOME IS THAT??!!! Posted by Picasa

View of flag pole from the Lodge site. Posted by Picasa

Welcome!! Posted by Picasa

Earlier this winter, about November after the first snowfall. This is Clearwater Lake and other randome pictures of God's beautiful display of that good ol' white canadan fluffy stuff! Posted by Picasa