Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Top 10: Reasons Women Should Watch Hockey

View From Venus in The Soko

10. You can pick up terms to later use as dirty talk (slapshot anyone?)

9. It's way more fun to watch someone score than to actually score with someone.

8. It's not enough to be ignored by your boyfriend while you're having dinner together, you'd like to spend a couple more hours being ignored while he's glued to the TV.

7. You can use it to help him understand how you feel. "Remember when Sundin missed the empty net with only 1.4 seconds left at the end of the third period, down a goal? That's how I feel when you leave the toilet seat up."

6. Your man will be just as turned on watching you scarf down beer and Cheetos as you are when he does it.

5. It's a good "ice breaker" on a first date. Horrible.

4. It's a really good time to bond with your boyfriend. I mean, how often do you get to sit and really talk about scoring statistics and unfair penalty calls?

3. You'll really start to appreciate the finesse of skating, the sophistication of the plays, and the art of the "jerseying" manoevre.

2. Guys are so hot with bloody noses, black eyes, and missing teeth.

1. There just aren't enough hockey fans in Canada.

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